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May 5, 2024

Excellent School DHSG

My daughter is now a Y10 at DHSG.
Brilliant school!!
Very supportive, with forward thinking teachers/head teacher and all support staff.
Mar 27, 2024

Pleased with our choice

My daughter joined the school as the only child from her primary which was daunting but she soon found a range of clubs and opportunities that appeal to all interests - not just academic - have been steadily growing The latest school production was amazing and included a number of sixth form boys and there are some shared social opportunities with DHSB which is a positive.
Yes there are high academic expectations - that’s why we chose it - but there’s also been good support from the house system and specialist staff when we’ve hit bumps in the road as teenagers do.
Finally the custard biscuits are legendary.
Oct 7, 2022


poor dealing with mental
health, the staff really only care about grades.
Aug 25, 2022

Don’t pick this school

I started here a four years ago and I genuinely was a happy person before but since starting this school my mental health has deteriorated, teachers clearly have favourites and they make it very clear who they are. The uniform rules are in-forced more then anything else you could say you want to off yourself to a teacher and they’d give you a behaviour mark for wearing a necklace. Teachers frequently share their views and opinions on politics without regard for how it may effect the students (for example saying slurs, disrespectful things regarding culture and religion or homophobic statements). In year seven I had a teacher who would place his hand on students thighs as a class we informed our form tutor and she said “no I know *teachers name* very well he would never do that” It took 6 months for him to leave the school after a police investigation so yeah essentially if want serious mental health issues to be brushed off, low self worth due to harsh grading and little help on your work and trauma then I 10/10 recommended Thai school for you
Aug 23, 2022

dhsg is a poor secondary and i do not recommend - yr 8

everyday i go to school hating my life. i feel nervous around teachers and constantly feel like im rubbish because the tests are way too hard especially after covid. activities week was not great either. we were given hardly any options including calligraphy with no ink and driftwood art with normal wood. one of the only positives is the food which is pretty good but the canteen is tiny and if its raining you have nowhere to eat. the teachers are really struct and most don't know what they are teaching. i've been at the school for two years and only enjoyed the lessons of two teachers. the uniform is horrible and you can'tfind alternative brown girls clothes anywhere. above all in the heatwave this summer we were told to wear leggings or joggers to school before your pe lesson and after your pe lesson. behaviour marks and sanctions were given out if you were wearing shorts. do not recommend and have considered several times moving. - year 8 student
Former Student
Aug 9, 2021

great school if smart or if like to cry

my grades are okay i guess. there’s so much pressure from teachers and other girls to do better but i’ve never been given actual help just harder work, was once told i was being sly and trying to get out of work when i told this to a teacher. i cried more in year 10 than i have ever, if i was ever down just got told to read a book or something, had a few detentions and that for jewellery nails phone, once for fighting because someone threw a book at me. teachers have strong favourites they always back up even when she literally called me fat and ugly in year 7 so that’s nice <3
May 7, 2021

I really wouldn't go here

If you want to send your child to a school that pressures students constantly and doesn't care about bullying then this is the place for your child. Some teachers are nice but mostly don't trust them. Constantly reminding students about exams/tests. All they want is good grades. If you ask for help the teachers look you up and down like you are an irrelevant human being. The fact that if you are a victim of bullying they tell you off for reporting it and according to the school it's wasting their time. Like the victim gets in trouble for something that isn't their fault. The phone system is messed up and so is the behaviour system. Forgetting a ruler, behaviour mark. Forgetting your book for the first time (oops no exception) you get a behaviour mark.
May 7, 2021

Not great

The grades are alright, but mental health is widely ignored. Sure, they have mental health day and all but that’s the extent of their care. It’s very hard to get a school councillor and when you get one, they don’t really help much. Also, the school’s punishment system is very unfair- you can get a behaviour mark for forgetting to put your phone on silent, so you should watch out. They are more concerned about grades than our well-being. Of course that can’t be said for all teachers, but most are. When students feel uncomfortable, for example around a teacher, the school do nothing and you are more likely to get in trouble for speaking up than the issue be resolved. The food is great though :)
May 5, 2021

Its shit

Come here if u want to leave with mental health problems <3 intense and unnecessary pressure to succeed in exams, not for your own good but just so the school can look good in league tables. Ofc there are a select few good teachers, but the school tend to just employ pedophiles who get uncomfortable seeing a students bra strap:/
Apr 23, 2021

terrible with mental health

I’ve been attending the school for a good few years, and one thing I’ve noticed is that in terms of mental health, there is room for quite a lot of improvement for supporting students in that area. As many other reviews have stated, they (the school) also puts a lot of pressure on the students.
Apr 21, 2021

not great

The school puts a lot of pressure on students to do well, very academically driven to be the best. On the other hand, the school doesn’t seem to put in any effort to check up on students’ mental health and issues are either ignored or resolved badly.
Apr 19, 2021

I wish the teachers cared about the students more

I would recommend this school if you are looking for high grades but be prepared for the intense pressure placed on you. Most of the teachers are nice and you feel you can talk to them but there are a few that aren’t kind. They all care more about grades than the mental health and well-being of their students. They say that they care but when you go to them in times of need eg if you’re being bullied they don’t really care. They desperately want to preserve their precious reputation even if it means the students are mentally suffering. If you are able to put up with that then good on you and I’m sure you will do well.
Mar 17, 2021


mixed opinions

Good for grades. Relationships with teachers generally are very good and the food there is a really good too (shout-out to the canteen man). Mental health support is really bad, but honestly it’s the same at every school. SLT is shockingly unsupportive and unsympathetic. I will say though, it gets easier in the terms of support as you go up the school and teachers tend to be nicer/more understanding, especially in lessons like PE and tutor. I would recommend this school, just make sure that you have enough support at home and are willing to pay for therapy for your child. Oh, and there are a lot of obnoxiously rich and posh people there who will make the lives of not rich people a living hell.
Dec 29, 2020

okay ish

my experience has been fine but they handle mental health issues so badly the school Councillor just tells people to get more sleep however its a good school for high grades
Dec 27, 2020

Lucky dip

Some teachers are awful but there’s at least one good one in a subject so it becomes a lucky dip. Mobile phone policy is over the top so good luck finding anything to do over lunch/break etc. Lot of homework and the school will do anything to keep a good reputation in the city and wider area so take anything they say with a pinch of salt.
Dec 19, 2020

it’s good but not great

mental health support isn’t great, lots of pressure to do well, most teachers are nice, food is amazing, classrooms are a bit boring
Nov 29, 2020

Good school

I like the school. There’s a lot of pressure but it’s manageable. The teachers are nice but all they’re really worried about is the mobile phone policy. The food is 10/10 incredible. Overall the school is great
Nov 19, 2020


none of the teachers care about bullying or mental health, my friend attempted suicide via overdose and came into school the next day, we informed the school and they said she’d be fine. we ended up messaging a family member of hers who got her an ambulance, it’s it’s absolutely ridiculous how they handled it. she had been asking for help for months but they never gave her a councillor or anything.
Nov 7, 2020

Not bad

School is good overall and has good teachers but aren’t as good when it comes to mental health. They put so much pressure on the pupils and care more about attendance and mobile phones than the welfare of the students. Many cases of bullying have been sort of shrugged off but when it comes to phones they sort it out immediately.- Parent of ex-student
Former Student
Sep 14, 2020

Not great, very miserable

Yeah very acedmically driven however aren’t interested in your welfare and mental health. They apply a lot of pressure and make everything very competitive with your peers. Everyone is miserable. However good relations with the teachers.
Sep 3, 2020

Good academics, terrible environment

If youre looking for good grades then this is the place for you. But if youre looking for a positive learning environment and attention to things other than grades and academics then id look elsewhere.
Aug 31, 2020

pretty good

not bad, teachers are awful

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