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Former Student
Sep 20, 2023


If you struggle with mh illneses or any learning difficulty this school will not provide any help. Although they claim to be “highly accessible” 💀 there is “good pastoral support” but they will only tell u to make a cup of tea if you have just been screamed at and jumped lol!!! Please do not send your kids here and if you do. It will impact their life forever I have been referred to CAMHS because of how bad physical and emotional bullying was in this school! And they do nothing about it YAY!! So unless you want ur kids to hate u don’t send them here 🤍
-former student
Former Student
Feb 15, 2022

Awful school!

Overall the school is ok but the staff arnt
great,they talk down to students like there
5 years old and accuse most students of
having an attitude when they are sat there
screaming and shouting at them. Canteen
is great most of the time but half on the
time they don't have vegetarian options
never mind to the head teacher
she is so rude and has no respect for
students or there parents.
Former Student
Feb 15, 2022

The alun school review

Overall the school is ok but the staff arnt great,they talk down to students like there 5 years old and accuse most students of having an attitude when they are sat there screaming and shouting at them. Canteen is great most of the time but half on the time they don’t have vegetarian options never mind to the head teacher she is so rude and has no respect for students or there parents.
Jan 21, 2022

Worst school around

Awful school. Lie to parents and speak to students and parents like dirt! Have been discriminating my child. Communication is awful.
Sep 29, 2021

Ok-ish school.

I currently attend the Alun School. The teachers are alright (chemistry and art are the worst I've found). The subject matter has always been hard for me to grasp no matter the teacher, which makes me think it's more about what they're teaching than how they're teaching it.
The work set for home schooling during the pandemic was much easier than the work now. It's so confusing for us, as students, to know what we're actually doing.

Bullying is tolerated, they'll only really do something if the bully becomes physical with you. The teachers are scared of the older boys (taller yr9s-yr11s), so if they do something to you the teacher won't do anything unless if you go to a higher up.

**** ****** ** ******** ***** * *** ************ She's there giving out masks when she doesn't even wear one herself! She'll be standing there with 2 other teachers, not socially distanced nor wearing masks asking kids to wear them! Hypocrisy! She also doesn't really care for bullying, I was bullied for years and nothing happened (even when I repeatedly told her) until the pandemic where we were sent off and I no longer had communication with the bully.

Honestly, there are so many opportunities in the Alun but most are for sports. So if you like sports then go for it.
Former Student
Apr 8, 2021

An excellent school with professional Teachers!

I have recently left the Alun 2 years ago, it has really helped me with my education through GCSE and A-Level. I have seen the other reviews on here and people are just trying to run it down on purpose which is disappointing to see, because i bet if they got told their school was bad they wouldn’t like it and they would defend it.
Overall, the teachers really understand strengths and weaknesses in all students so they can help them with what they need most. This shows the professional teaching that the Alun provides.
However, an improvement would be the building, the Daniel Owen building is historic but i believe that its time is up and it needs a new makeover or demolition for a new building to take its place. This would make the school environment more better and modern.

Mostly, fantastic school for all teachers and students.
Feb 12, 2021

Not too great

After years of being in this school, I think I have enough experience to give a review of what this school is like. To start, the teachers; a majority of teachers in this school are good or great, but there will be the occasional teacher who will make life awful for you (mainly art teachers) by picking on you, making fun of you and so on. Next are the lessons, they're alright so they aren't good but they aren't bad either, however I have learnt more from home rather than in most lessons I attend, which is quite embarrassing. Finally is the help students get if they are dealing with an issue, and this is where it goes downhill; most students will be bullied once or more and will get no help even if they tell teachers, even if you try to fight back and defend yourself you'll most likely be blamed for the whole thing which makes no sense at all (do they think that you're going to simply willingly let yourself get beaten up and not put up a fight?) I guarantee you will get into atleast one fight or two in your time here. Furthermore, I decided to see how many people have been sexually assaulted here and got no help at all; my reason for this is because sexual assault is something that happens in schools regularly than we would like to think, and out of 20 people 11 had said they had experienced a form of sexual assault and got no help from anyone at all- and most of these people were in year 8 which is something that no person so young should have to be traumatised by. Overall, this school isn't so great in my personal experience, but there are times when it can be enjoyable, but this is simply what the school is like for myself in the years I have been here.
Jan 31, 2021

Very good all round. However, some shoddy teachers

Excellent school. Most staff are okay. Some are exceptional. Some are proof that not everyone should be a teacher. The school's sixth form heavily focuses on getting people into Oxbridge at the expense of everyone else. If you're not going to an Oxbridge university, don't expect support from the staff for preparation (e.g. interviews).
The school has some incredibly supportive staff. Very helpful, sympathetic, and kind (Most Dyfed staff are class).
The school doesn't have the most up to date facilities for teaching when compared to most other schools in Flintshire. But most of the teachers are extraordinary and very well practiced. The school hosts many teachers with PhDs and masters degrees, they know their field very well. Some of the teachers are heavily involved with the exam writing process so teach the exact answers on the mark schemes, and most of the teachers are examiners for WJEC.
A fair handful of the teachers are useless. They waste pupils' time. Some of these are in senior positions. They are often more involved with their life out of school even when in school (ahem sixth form leadership).
Tho school's handling of bullying and of general issues is to be heavily questioned. Don't expect anything of use to be done about bullying. Oh, except a limp assembly on the subject every now and again so they can plead like they've helped.
Despite everything. If a student is aware of these issues, they can avoid them by asking to swap classes and get better learning.
Despite all of this, the Alun has some of the highest grades in the area. The standard of teaching (from most) is superlative.
Jan 2, 2021

Worst school in Flintshire

Lessons weren’t to bad but the way the school handles any problems was absolutely dreadful , teachers just wanted to go home had no enthusiasm , front office staff were really rude and unhelpful, honestly worse school ever
Dec 17, 2020

It’s a mixed bag really...

It’s a great school, amazing results annually, however the way it handles problems is not satisfactory
Sep 3, 2020

A plain explanation

Good lessons, career support and mental health support is lacking, the school overall is average but sucks on actually engaging with students in lessons. Bullying is rarely handled and any problems usually have both sides getting into trouble, the school likes to put it's blame onto students and some of the teachers don't care about their students and some make the students leave the class or go to another room for no apparent reason.
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