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May 13, 2023

Disgusting School!

Horrible; horrible, horrible and horrible!
Former Student
Jan 17, 2023

Pick another Secondary School ASAP! - READ MORE

I'll keep this review short but elaborate.

This school's 'anti-bullying policy' is completely redundant and is hardly enforced by any member of staff. I've witnessed many people being bullied by large groups of pupils and constant waves of physical/mental abuse both outside and inside the classroom. Pupil Support prefers to turn a blind eye on the bullying; as the JM - Mister Geoffary Leonard likes to go with the good old saying ''It doesn't happen in my school.''

As mentioned previously, harassment and assaults are a somewhat regular occurance at this school. If you don't have any mates in this school; your chances of falling to become a bullying victim is high - if you're identified as a solo. Groups of pupils linger around the bathrooms, hallways and social areas and usually patrol for said solo(s).

The bathrooms here are simply disgusting. I've seen literal brown water coming from the taps in both the minerva and drama (male) toilets. I've also seen literal doors hanging off their hinges, smashed glass, smashed sinks, walls fully covered in graffiti and urine all over the floor. You'll most likely come across blocked toilets filled with toilet paper or unflushed faeces. The bathrooms are also a common place for gangs/groups of people to skive, bully and mug people going to the bathroom. I've even seen cans of Lynx being used as makeshift grenades to prevent juniors from using the bathrooms.

Vaping occures mainly inside of the school bathrooms, which so far, hasn't been stopped by any member of management. During break and lunch time, you'll come across groups of people smoking vapes and even selling them to the younger years (S1/S3.) Substance abuse is rare but also is an occurance in the bathrooms; weed is sometimes smoked and distributed alongside alcohol. Due to the negligence of management, people openly vape infront of the school's CCTV cameras and even infront of members of staff.

The teachers here are very arrogant and condescending. Throughout my five years at this school, I'll list some examples. Mr Knox - CDT Head of Department, actively looks for trouble in every class he controls/covers. If it's not the snark, smartarse comments, he'll openly try and make you look like a clown infront of the whole class for a small laugh amongst the popular variety. Mr Aidtken - Former Depute Rector, half of the time didn't even show up to any of my classes! And when he did, his excuse was along the lines of ''Apologies, I've been fairly busy with these meetings.'' Could you imagine if a pupil was late to class the amount of times he was? That pupil would be having multiple calls and letters sent home alongside a meeting request! Hypocritical! The rest of the staff here you'll find them to be very selective and emotional.

The school will enforce your child through a nazi-like regime with regards to the school uniform. They'll send your child home, alongside a package of letters and calls home if they're even missing a tie. However, the management team, once again, half-arses enforcing their own code and as a result of this, half of the school show up in non-uniform clothing (i.e tracksuits, designer clothes, ect.) NOTHING is done about the people not following this uniform code.

I've seen this school change people for the worst. If it isn't because of the horrible amounts of bullying which changes them or the teachers openly looking for daily confrontations with your child - it'll be the groups. Your child, if fallen under the influence, could possibly pick up multiple bad habits like vaping, smoking cigarettes and even drinking alcohol on SCHOOL GROUNDS. Your child will leave Dumfries Academy completely demoralised and ruined emotionally.

- Double standard staff members
- Confrontational, old-fashioned, condescending and incompetent teachers.
- Junior/Senior year infected with gang affiliation
- Old-fashioned, damaged, vandalised school equipment (i.e Jotters.)
- Damaged property.
- Heating is hardly turned on during winter.

And many more issues where that came from!

Do not pick this school for your child(ren.) ... take that from an actual former pupil who remained through both Junior and Senior year(s).

And if any member of staff is reading this from DA, you're all perfectly aware this is taking place, so maybe yield and look past your ignorant pride for a moment and acknowledge the rampant decline of your school...
Former Student
Jan 15, 2023

Terror, Disgust and Incompetence

I'll start with the school bathrooms. The boys bathroom located inside of Minerva has a constant layer of urine all over the floor - despite multiple toilets and a urinal. Including many layers of graffiti - which includes death threats and multiple swastikas. At some break and lunch times, you'll find the toilets to be flooded with layers of toilet paper and you'll most likely come across a group of delinquents vaping and intimidating you out of the bathroom. At times, you'll find the sinks are left on and blocked with toilet paper.

Moreover on the vaping topic and substance abuse. There's been many times when the scent of weed has been looming around hallways, classrooms and bathrooms. You'll even find some pupils vaping while on the playground during break/lunch. Rarely you'll come across a lingering cloud of either weed or vape smoke inside of the bathrooms.

The staff incompetency inside of this school is alarmingly apparent. The staff are ignorant, out-dated and at times confrontational. Majority of the time, during an altercation between pupil and staff, the staff member will proceed to intimidate and provoke the pupil into verbally abusing them to therefore punish them further (as witnessed by myself.) The staff here have shown complete disregard to personal needs and care. They over-step/reach their profressional boundaries within pupil affairs. They show complete disregard and ignorance towards bullying amongst the pupils and at times - allow it to continue.

The staff have also failed to address the issue of certain pupils not following the school dress code. At times, you'll come across pupils, specifically from The Hub, coming into the school wearing tracksuits and other inappropriate attire. The staff have also failed to address the issue of people committing truancy. Senior Management is particular have shown disregard for certain pupils and at times have targetted specific individuals over others.

Many classrooms and subjects lack facilities required to aid learning. The school has selected certain groups over others in regards to funding and providing facilities. As a consequence for this, many pupils have became disconnected and classes remain under funded. Jotters and textbooks have been vandalised with graffiti and some pages even being torn out. Basic essentials including pencils, rubbers and other tools are lacking and essentially missing from the basic classroom.

The food supplied from the school is very, very overpriced given the quality and standards they push out. The food supplied is commonly very cold, and undercooked. In some cases, pupils have reported instances of mold and raw products being pushed out inside of their school provided lunch-meals. The cafe itself is very over-crowded and the lines can last until the end of break/lunch - meaning not all children can access food/water. Gangs and groups of youths also tend to take over certain cafe tables and areas which restricts proper use of the facility.

Playgrounds, hallways, toilets, cafes and the main outdoor area are riddled with gangs and miscreants which bully, harrass, assault, terrorise and intimidate pupils, teachers and visitors of the school. These groups tend to vandalise and damage school property - mainly in the bathroom. The damage continues by the playground located outside of the 'Tower Block.' Many pieces of the tarmac and gravel have been forcefully removed/lifted by groups of pupils. The dumpsters located by this damaged gravel have also been moved at times - even during a school inspection.

I believe certain teachers focus themselves mainly on outside political agendas such as the LGBT Community; BLM Community and other socio-political topics. It feels as so as if the teachers are dictating what an individual should think, say and believe. I wouldn't go to an extent of brainwashing, however, I'd say it's certainly a level of prevalence. Freedom of Speech is 'encouraged' however this isn't the case as people are often disciplined for having opposite views/debates from the majority (LGBT School Committee). In schools such as these, debate should be encouraged, however this isn't the case here.

Moreover on the teaching staff of this school. The school suffers multiple and constant walk-outs and resignations. This is due to a breakdown in management and communication in-general amongst Junior/Senior Managment. Teachers often have to fend for themselves in minor and major situations - only being flagged if Senior Management feel obliged to which sometimes isn't the case.

Both the Pupil Support and Pupil Council have proved themselves unskilled. The Pupil Support base gives an unwelcoming vibe, as the door is firmly locked with a code and no door handle. Majority of the times, 'Pupil Support' usually comes to the pupil themselves instead of vice-versa. With the door being padlocked, pupils tend to feel unbidden and driven away - the irony. The Pupil Council can be compared to the historical parliament known as The Duma. They have proven themselves as a useless council, which are easily voted over by Senior Management. The issues the council focus on are usually insignificant and hold no influence over the school.

Many fights have occured both on and off school grounds. Pupils have used the locker room to assault and 'scrap' each other on multiple occassions. The minerva toilets and underground drama department toilets have also fell victim to assaults taking place within. This once again, adds another layer of intimidation for your average pupil. On top of this, you've got - at times - multiple youths lingering inside of the bathrooms. Moreover, the school's CCTV system is mainly there for intimidation purposes. They still run on CRT - and only three are functional. The rest remain purely as a scare tactic.

At lunch times and sometimes break times, Dumfries Academy pupils run rampant around the town centre. Alike rabid beasts, they usually take over Burns Statue and cause civil unrest amongst the elderly and economically active population. During their 'takeover' - they usually vape, smoke, drink and harass shop employees - mainly from Gregg's. Any attempt of an elderly citizen trying to access a bus is quickly squashed by verbal abuse and menacing glare. They usually walk in large groups and take up majority of the space on the pavement.

In conclusion, under this short but affirmative summary, this has (hopefully) planted many red flags regarding this Secondary School and given you a more than valid reason NOT to send your children to this place of education.
Sep 8, 2022


I see a lot of reviews saying the girls toilets are clean and get cleaned regularly but there is times I've walked in and there is piss, shit, menstrual blood and even used sanitary towels (due to how many where being shoved down toilets and drains there is now no longer a stock in the basement toilets which the people who can use need them the most as they are at the age of starting their period, I've seen missing toilets, doors hanging off, tap water being completely brown, and even the bathroom flooded, the boys is not much better in Minerva where the boys toilets is just walking past is an ungodly sent.

The lack of discipline Is atrocious, people have came into class smelling like weed and nothing is done about it( mind you these people are 12-15) kids just aren't told off!! While someone's pissing about I'm trying to learn so i dont fail the class, train your teachers honestly.

They have sold mouldy food and food that's been left around for days, its stale and gross.

I have much more to say trust me but it makes me wanna throw up the thought of this school, should've stayed a grammar school.
Jan 13, 2022


The teachers.
Can’t teach.
Former Student
Dec 15, 2021

Poor experience

These years of my life were without a doubt the worst! Genuinely unspoken heroes at that school are the biology teacher and admin teacher! Absolutely great teachers and teach you like your a human being. The head teacher is also nice and does her best to try and help you achieve your academic goals and listens to your point of views. The 2 deputes at the time also decent men and teachers. However acting depute is the worst ‘man’ I have ever came across in my life. Weeks in isolation with jotters and textbooks with no explanations other than ‘no general work ethic improvements’, shouted in my face when I was in the corner of Minerva with his hand beside my shoulder (did apologise in a meeting with my guardians due to the fact pupils witnessed this), sent me home many a time when I had just walked into the building. CDT teacher also a vulgar man. It goes to show that teachers who care about there students achieve they’re goals I got a higher with this lady in particular and I will always remember her as the good in my bad times. In this school a small minority of the teachers are struck on a power-trip and treat you like a ‘nothing’. You stick up for yourself and have a whole army on you and the main man calling your mother/guardian. Also many a times a confrontation has started due to the fact that they don’t allow you to use the toilet (not realising the damage this can do I.e utis, weakened bladder). Handling bullying very very poor they do not care. Cannot thank the nice/great teachers in there! However if your child tells you that a teacher in there is making her school life an awful experience please believe them and get a meeting sorted (especially if it’s the male who has his office in Minerva). Without them I would probably be in midpark!
Jan 27, 2021

Not good...

Male toilets run down and smelly with urine everywhere, and a suspicious brown stain on the ceiling. (Female toilets clean) A couple of incorrect fire exit signs, and a blocked fire exit too. Lack of health and safety, and there are long queues as the cafe is too small. Plenty of inconsiderate staff at this place. This school is not accessible for wheelchair users as there are no suitable ramps/lifts. Not enough parking for staff, nevermind visitors, contractors, seniors...

Not a good school.

Also, good luck filling a water bottle in this place!
Aug 22, 2020

Layer of pee :(

The boys toilets has a layer of urine on the floor. Usually blood on the wall and once a poo on the floor not even near the toilets. As a result I find it hard to believe they are regularly cleaned. The girls toliet however has a permanent cleaner that stands about outside there toilet all day. Not to mention until recently the boys only had 1 toliet for the whole school while the girls had 3. The boys now have 2 after they complained for years. Only one gets cleaned and it's only available to certain
years. Now with coivd you would think they would have cleaned the school. But the hundred pieces of chewing gum under every table. Says they havnt. A teacher that shall not be named asked why the tops of the desks and the chairs weren't being whiped because of corona and was told it's the students job. Between classes I understand but the fact they aren't being cleaned at the end of each day is ridiculous. So I shall wait with anticipation to catch the virus.
Aug 22, 2020

Pretty shit

The school would be better If I wasn't male, as being a male means useing the boys toilets. That will involve wading through a floor covered in urine usally blood on the wall. And once a poo sitting on the floor not even near the toilet. The girls toilet however has a dedicated cleaner that just sits outside their toilets all day. Not to mention until recently the boys only had one toilet between the whole school. Where as the girls had 3. The boys now have two but only one gets cleaned and not all years can use that one so I'm still angry :(. Now with covid you would think the schools have been cleaned. Yet the 100 pieces of chewing gum under every table says otherwise. Not to mention a teacher that shall not be named was told it's not the cleaners jobs to even whipe down the tops of the tables or the chairs and instead it is the students job. Between classes I understand but the fact the tables arnt cleaned at the end of the day is ridiculous. And with all the chewing gum under the table it's obvious they have just done a bit of hoovering during lockdown.
Academy Street, DG1 1DD, Dumfries
01387 274350

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