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Former Student
Oct 4, 2023

Marblek tickle baby’s

Very bad school don’t recommend lots of bullying and bad behaved children
Jun 8, 2023

bully central

the school prides themselves on “treating everyone with respect” but will do nothing at all about bullying and harassment. some of the teachers are abysmal- and borderline bullies themselves.
May 28, 2023

Just meh.

The school itself regarding educating is just meh, the staff pride themselves on “mental health awareness” but do literally nothing to assist students struggling mentally apart from show a PowerPoint once a year but most of the staff are quite kind but the bullying issue here is awful if someone comes to them saying their being bullied all they will do is “ have a firm word “ with the bully, they have no regards to a student struggling with anxiety or depression they will just say “there’s nothing we can do” and will send the student back to class, the actual teachers themselves i have mixed opinions on but then again they are MY opinions so everyone’s will be different,

I genuinely hope this school becomes better but so far it doesn’t look like it will anytime soon, they have changed a lot of things some of which are ok but the rest are just trash.
Dec 21, 2022

Bullying issues

Very bad for bullying. Found out they had a knuckle buster ready for a female pupil found in the area. Talk of West Lothian.
Would be a good school if only they could control the bullying.
Apr 7, 2022

It’s ok

I had to endure bullying from S1-S3 and the school did nothing about it. I didn’t get my parents involved until S3 because I didn’t want to worry them, thinking the school would just listen to me. Spoiler alert - they didn’t.
Apr 26, 2021

It’s eh

Could be better and should listen to students instead of waiting for parents to say something. Also less pressure in general but otherwise it’s a pretty great school.
Sep 2, 2020

Okay, but not as good as you expect

Most of the teachers are nice but the head teacher isn’t very good imo
Braehead Road, EH49 6EH, Linlithgow
01506 843211

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