
Based on 14 reviews and 118 answers
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May 15, 2024



This school is horrible!
The lazy kids take the support from the kids that need it.. on my parents evening . Only one teacher believes that I need a Chromebook (geography) my other teachers said it’s S4+ only
For all tests I’m supposed to have a laptop. But no I only got it in geography.
The school of dance is another thing..
I got SEVERELY bullied in dance.,.
The teachers did nothing the teachers defended them all pupils with additional needs in the dancing always get shoved to the back of the stage for dance shows!
Jun 5, 2023


Cares more about uniform and attendance over anything else
Föredetta elev
Mar 20, 2023


not good at handling bullying,weird teachers,I got excluded for sticking up for myself,makes me cry myself to sleep,scream at you for not being able to afford black shoes when you can’t find yours one morning
Mar 8, 2023

Oban high school Isn’t good ! Here’s why

My school experience hasn’t been great since primary so I thought it was going to get better in high school boy was I wrong I’m getting bullied and made fun off nearly every day and sure they put things in place but it never stops and it’s terrible as a student I would think if someone is getting bullied then it should be fully stopped another thing is that if a student thinks they need something like get a different class or something along those terms they should allow it when I ask for something like that they say it’s not available and then a few days later I hear someone else got it the Scottish education and the school system is shit and that’s mine and many other students and parents opinion too I’m not just saying this because I want to I’m saying it because it’s the truth so I hope they take all these reviews seriously it’s fucking ridiculous

But to be fair in education and activities they have good opportunities for those things good pass rates surprisingly so good job there

Teachers I have to admit there are a few nice teachers in the school and they have amazing guidance support people but I remember I got a teacher right up in my face shouting at me and I mean I’m my face all because I was leaning against a desk whilst he was talking that’s another reason I i want out of this shit school just let me live my god dang life for crying out loud 😶

Bullying is so bad some kid got chased around the halls and got beat up but some boys I’ll not say names but he now has a concussion and is in hospital to be fair they deal with it as police now get involved but it still shouldn’t happen and they are the only situations they truly deal with all because it could affect the teachers / head teachers themselves ffs

And my final thing to say is the head teacher of Oban high school mr bain should be taking more action and realising what’s going on you should actually help around the school more and I don’t mean any disrespect but I’m sick of all of it .
Mar 8, 2023


how shit the skl is

this school is so bad the teachers do nothing to get you to class i went to the toilet for 5 mins and i got shouted at by mr leadbeater for going to the toilet i hate this school the teachers think they know everything about everyone its shit they make so muvh people not want to go to the school anymore its rubish i would love to go to skl if i didnt get shouted at for everythting i done Mrs jackson is a nice teacher but she dont exactly know how to do her job its fucking rubish.
Förälder / Vårdnadshavare
Mar 3, 2023

the oban high school

teachers care more about ur attendence than ur mental health
Föredetta elev
Nov 11, 2022

Bad School don't send your kids here

Boring bad school, you get barely any choice in what you do and don't learn, teachers are weird, misbehaving students get special treatment
Nov 11, 2022

unfulfilled potential

far too easy on students(students that misbehave get special treatment)
Sep 5, 2022


terrible school, creepy teachers, terrible at handling bullying and don’t really care about the students there. teachers there care more about if you’re wearing black shoes then our mental health. don’t send your children here.
Feb 21, 2022

eh eh eh

eh eh eh this place it is illegal
it broke united kingdom law
I am theo mann I use my human right
the united kingdom have human right
I use my human right to against them
Feb 9, 2022

God Awful

Worst school in the country teachers are creepy
Föredetta elev
Nov 15, 2021

the worst school

horrific school, care more about uniform and attendance than they do mental health, bullying and medical conditions
Föredetta elev
Jan 19, 2021

Bully culture

Terrible at dealing with bullying.
Oct 14, 2020

Peter is a ledgend

It’s alright only one student got COVID and they are recovering well the school did really well with isolating the students that was around the case so I would say a solid 10/10
Soroba Road, PA34 4JB, Oban
01631 564231

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