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Former Student
Jun 8, 2024

Porthlethen academy

School is a disgrace, teachers and students have no respect whatsoever, teachers send kids out of classrooms and leave them standing there for more than half the lesson wasting the students time where they could be learning. Teachers offer no support what’s so ever, they claim to care about mental health but offer no support to kids struggling with mental health issues the only think they do for mental health is mental health week and the only thing that they actually do is an assembly of them talking about mental health for half the assembly then they talk about school issues, bathrooms are a joke there is always kids in there talking and vaping they are also disgusting there is always food on the floor as there isnt enough seating for all the kids at lunch. Bullying is horrendous by Teachers and students and they don’t do anything about that even if parents have to get involved and they promise they will do something about it but they do noting about it, most of the teachers are aggressive and unhelpful. Teachers act like they care about anxiety but when my mate had a panic attack she was left with no help and told to “just go back to lessons” when she was crying, Teachers are useless as when you ask for help with a question they just say “you should of been listening” basically don’t send you kid to this school unless you want them to get no education and have mental health issues
May 25, 2024

My honest opinion on the school

I am writing as a pupil from this school, this school is great in some areas, but others, we are let down massively, guidance teachers never do anything when a problem is reported to them, teachers are disrespectful to pupils who have done nothing to them, I understand some teachers receive lots of slack, but this gives no right to disrespect pupils, and they give no privacy to students, they sit and bodyguard are toilets, atleast 2 teachers per toilet door. I do not understand this whatsoever. I want something to be done about it.
Jan 28, 2024

Very Disappointing!

Previously went to a great Primary school (also in Portlethen), thinking academy would be great. I was extremely mistaken. Most teachers are beyond poor. I will not name anyone here, but at least half of the teachers will put something easy on the board, give you the entire lesson to complete it, and just sit on their phone for the remainder of the lesson. Either that, or they will fail to explain a task and wonder why students are confused/fail a test. I am extremely disappointed with this school. It used to have great reviews before COVID-19, however the new headmaster has seriously let the school go. I would give it one star, but I feel there are still worse schools (e.g. Lochside Academy in Aberdeen City).
Former Student
Dec 7, 2023

Most horrible school in scotland.

slut shaming art teacher. horrible staff. horrible pupils who are violent. a student was kicked out of their home and forced to live in a flat alone at the age of 15, when requesting social workers to assist them, the school simply shrugged them off and ignored them in such a horrid situation. teachers talk awfully about students to their face, gossip about pupils and their co-workers. We had a pupil get involved with drugs, and an outsider tried to come inside and attack that pupil with a hatchet and threatened the safety of the school, instead of having more security, they just got rid of dress-up days. As if that means anything, we dont even have a uniform, just a tie, it's easy for anyone to just walk in and attack pupils. one of the maths teachers failed maths on live tv (look up crystal maze) if that goes to show how smart the teachers here actually are. PLEASE PLEASE don't send your children to this school, please send your kids to mackie academy instead. They will grow up in a better environment there than they ever will at portlethen academy. worst school in scotland and i dont know how it hasnt shut down. shoutout to mr drennan, you ruined the entire school and turned the s1-s3s into feral MONSTERS you imbecile.
Sep 14, 2022

Major downfall after COVID...

Been there for 5 years... Have seen a DRASTIC downfall since COVID... Seniors are being left with "cover work" half the time bc theres not enough staff in, prelim timetable is SHOCKING: had AT LEAST 3 in one day... The school claims to care abt homophobia... Yet will do nothing about it once reported... Half of the time, when folk are suffering mentally, we get told to "deal with it" or "sit down and shut up"... Other than that, its a fab school and most teachers are ace at what they do! Just wish the staff would focus more on us seniors rather than S1 - 3 tho :(
Apr 16, 2022

I'm tired.

The school allows people to be transphobic, racist, homophobic without a major punishment, Iv been harassed MULTIPLE times by boys calling me slurs and the most they got was staying in for 2 lunches and then nothing else. I'm tired of never being listened to and them brushing it off as "they're minors they don't know any better". YES THEY DO!! they can comprehend everything and they know its wrong, I also here people who are white say the n word like it's nothing and the schools does nothing but as soon as someone's put their hood up "DETENION AND A DEMERRIT!!!" and I get scolded for puting up a peice of fabric on my head and get called looking like I'm in a gang BY TEACHERS full grown ADULTS, and then as soon as it comes to anything they stand ti be against "Oh I forgot", 🤨😐. I'm tired of my school claiming to be a good open minded, "welcoming" school but then any sort of problem comes by and it's ignored. I want my school to be held accountable for their actions.
Jun 6, 2021


Great school, nice teachers!
Bruntland Road, AB12 4QL, Portlethen
01224 782174

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