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Oct 1, 2022

Year 7- year 13


Ark Bolingbroke Academy - was set up by a passionate group of fantastic parents, keen to have their children transition into a kind enlightening creative and academic environment. Sadly the cost of achieving this has been great on the mental health of many students who struggle with the unjust draconian punitive measures that operate without any form of common sense. The holistic education was lost to a power hungry head that communicates in a one way direction and overrides the staff with outdated ideas and can not connect with children on any level. Parents and children are summoned and shamed, they are told they are the only ones with a problem. The head refuses to engage in conversation and there is no accountability for any course of action or concern. Teachers are thrown under the bus to deal with upset children and parents alike with no powers to resolve situations, adding to the cycle of frustrations for both the child and parent. Once a child or parent has raised concerns or been labelled - the teacher harassment is extremely damaging. Safeguarding is questionable.
Children had seated break time until recently and have set places at lunchtime so socialism is controlled.
The boys toilets have had all the doors removed with cctv cameras facing inwards, leaving children anxious and exposed.
The curriculum is limited. Sport has only just been returned to the curriculum for GCSE pupils, due to parental pressure, all kids now have one session a week.
Many bright and able 6th formers have been asked to repeat a year due to poor grades in an attempt to boost their results. The teaching quality fluctuates - most good teachers leave because of policies. There have recently been a mass exodus of staff.

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