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Atlas We dont need to know ^^
Former Student
May 28, 2021

reviewing my old primary school

Oh lord where do I begin? I attended Berryhill for 9 years, that is including attending Berryhill Nursery,

The staff who work at Berryhill have a lot of favouritism, and I mean a lot. They really have to work on it, yeah adults have a favourite kid and stuff but the level of favouritism in this school is beyond comprehension. I was never a favourite but one of my ex friends were so I know the favourites always got treated different.

The behaviour policy in the school is outdated. Yellow card and Red card. They really need to get something new as even receiving a red or yellow card didn't really affect anything.

The senior pupils were often left out, while the juniors were getting new stuff for their playground, the seniors got nothing. Well we got a piece of decking and they called it a stage. As someone who used to sing I was always wanted up there on the "stage" if you could even call it that. The seniors also got an outside classroom. Good ya know. Only we weren't allowed to use it as it was on the grass and the grass was always muddy or something.

Berryhill was the worst years of my life.

They force Christianity down your throat but say their an all religion school. I'm a protestant and through my 7 years of Berryhill they tried to change my beliefs.

I highly suggest not to send your kids to this school. Most days after being here I would come home in fits of rage because of how much I hated the place. The school changed me for the worst. They really have to think about what their doing and change paths because how their doing stuff isn't very good.
Hillcrest Avenue, ML2 7RB, Craigneuk
01698 274969

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