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Jun 19, 2024

such a bad school

this school is rubbish they do not care about you only care about there stupid rules and my head of year only cares about the boys or football. when I was being bullied nothing was done about it because I wasn't a boy. got CSR for wearing the same eyelashes i had worn everyday for years so a day wasted of my learning. no one enjoys coming here. even all the teachers are leaving.
Former Student
May 17, 2024

No GO ZONE for sigmas...

School if full of edgers and gooners. Yet me as the alpha sigma male i am, i just sit back and watch all the people bow down. I hear things such as;
How do you become so skibidi?
How do you become so alpha sigma?
Yet my aura remains immense and i do not talk back. AS being a upcomer from Ohio i have found it very hard to learn the ways of being a sigma so for me to leak my ways that would be despicable
Would not suggest indulging in the path of BPS if you look to become a SIGMA within your life...
Apr 23, 2024

It has changed to worse

its not change in the past 4 years that I've been here the bullying problem is still big. most teachers don't care about fights or bullying and most teachers demand respect although they don't respect the students . Some teachers feel like they can lie THIS really happened they lied to me and worse the heads of year deafened the bullies instead of the people getting bullied because they came first to head of year and most teachers blame you for problems that are not your fault but the lunches are Stellar

The teachers don't do anything about stolen or broken stuff as I had my phone broken because of some one and then my head phones because of some one all they said was we will ask their parents to repay you for your broken head phones but when I went to tell head of year they had given me a 80 minute detention because I was defending myself even better is when they take your stuff away and break it and yes this had happened to one of my friends
Oh and don't ask them for relationship help as they will just say it was in the past and have no care in the world what the other person had said or done because they just don't care

But wait theirs more as most students try to commit suicide or have tried in the past because of how depressing the school is and yes this is a real problem as people taking their lives has happened as their was some one who committed suicide

if you want my opinion please do not send your child here
Apr 23, 2024


alright (rant included)

i will say its a decent school. achieves high grades, has good connections, and has a good amount of support for special kids. on top of that, school food is stellar. probably the best part about being here. curly fries all the way. all of this i mean fully, though i dont intend to expand on it too much. education is nice, wide range of subjects and you can move straight from the school to the 6th form on site, so it fixes college issues for some (as a small college, the number of courses being run is usually low, with those actually on for the year being based on student interest in attending it).

now the bad stuff. only kids with very serious mental health problems are taken seriously with the stuff they say. a lot of teachers will tell you to suck it up when something or someone puts you down, and if its a bully or similar they'll just say 'stop' and leave it at that.
on the subject of bullying it is terrible in this school. bullies are defended alongside teachers pets, and they can get away with so much. i personally have had a terrible experience with bullying throughout my entire time at this school, from my first day up until now, mere weeks from sitting my GCSEs. even when teachers hear some of the comments made at myself or others from across the room or in corridors they're mostly ignored or in some cases even laughed at.
its brought me to the point of self harm on multiple occasions. on top of all this, a couple years back a similar problem drove a year 11 student at the time to suicide, and there is a memorial to this day on the bridge he jumped off of.
the rules here are so stupid also, especially regarding toilet usage. there is a 5 minute interval between classes where students can use the toilet, and with 2000 students in the school and a total of probably 30 cubicles for male toilets and the same for female (i would assume), queues are a huge issue. with 5 minutes that basically means if you arent there immediately, you wont be able to use the toilet. and its very difficult to convince a teacher to let you out of class for 5 minutes to take a piss. the toilets are open at break times, but they are still usually very full and there are still usually queues, meaning you either get there immediately, queue for anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes, or get stuck in line till the end of break and told to go to class.
anything confiscated from students is likely to be broken, seeing as a friend of mine has had a pair of headphones, a phone, and a gameboy advance all confiscated which came back to him in pieces (save for the phone, which had a destroyed screen). no idea how it happens but with that track record, it's safe to assume that's likely.
as a last point to make, there are a handful of teachers who can be a real pain in the ass. they will bitch and moan at you for the smallest things, some of which you are allowed to do in literally any other class, and when you speak up about it they will shoot you down by confiscating things and giving you detentions, as well as a yelling match if they feel like it. they get away with this as far as i'm aware, because none of the other staff can be asked to listen to students' complaints.

if your kid is special needs or can brush off basically any comment thrown at them, by all means send them here. that's most of the bad stuff that you don't even need to account for. however, if they aren't either of the above, i suggest finding somewhere else to send them.

pros: high grades, stellar school lunches, good support for SEN kids, wide range of subjects, 6th form attached which can solve some college issues
cons: mental health support not where it should be, rampant issues with bullying, rules that heavily restrict using the toilets, confiscated items mysteriously returned in pieces, some teachers are assholes

thank you for your time.
Jun 25, 2023

Bitterne park

Teachers follow u around even if ur just going to the toilet, they wait outside the toilets for u ect the food has hairs in it aswell
Sep 29, 2022

bitterne park

if you care about your mental health don’t bother looking into this school they don’t care about you just care about making you think that everyone has to be perfect it’s a decent school but it has put me through so much
Former Student
Sep 6, 2022

No help for mental health problems, chaotic school

It's definitely not as good if a school as it used to be, it was much better in the older building, the new building is built like a prison. Year heads don't care about you if you're struggling with mental health, they are too busy with the daily fights from problematic children. They have a terrible reward system that rewards students that have seemingly improved in behaviour (although after this reward they continue misbehaving) instead of reward students with 100% attendance and perfect behaviour. Bullying isn't dealt with, most of the students are suicidal and depressed, or trying to be because they're plain weird, students are having sex, some in the building, some being filmed on social media, there are constant fights, someone brought a knife in once, the list could go on. They also have completely fluctuating rules on uniform like they let people wear rings and bracelets all year round it was literally a trend and then suddenly they banned it, and there's a stationery shop where you have to buy stationery if you forget it on the day. The school just wants money, but then goes and spends it on a god damn astroturf pitch and bouncy castle event. Overall no regard for mental health at all they only care about grades. That being said, 50% only achieved 4s or under this year sooo...
Apr 3, 2022

Not great

The teachers are mostly good and supportive but smt are not very supportive especially for trans people. A member of smt once told me as a trans person experiencing lots of hate and bullying that there was nothing I could do because it was a "new concept" and I should just be grateful that the teachers use my correct name. Others have told me just to ignore it. I was not invited to an all boys assembly even though other more conforming trans peers were and I am misgendered by the smt I came out to. They don't handle any bullying even non lgbtq+ bullying i and others have received
Jul 18, 2021

Health and Social

Bad School

I dont recommend it, it's shit
Former Student
May 6, 2021

Amazing school

Great teachers, changing lives, amazing school,
Apr 10, 2021

Do not recommend

Very very bad lots of COVID-19 cases nothing about it and no support atoll
Former Student
Dec 20, 2020

Review from member of Class of 2018

I went to this school for five years. The first four was in the old building, my last year (year 11) in the new building. This was extremely stressful for our exams. The teaching is good, some teachers became my favourites. However, the building was a tad cramped. There were a few teachers who literally changed my life for the good/the better. The cleaning staff, especially the ladies, were extremely polite and friendly. I would give this school 4/5 stars... if it were not for the fact, when being bullied, there was not much in the way of help. Whilst, yes, I learned to stand up for myself, only a select few teachers helped. These teachers were the best!
Former Student
Dec 6, 2020

Don’t care about the average student

Only Care about the high achieving students and getting high grades stats
Former Student
Nov 29, 2020

Meh it’s ok

kinda pointless being in school w all the covid cases i won’t lie
Nov 3, 2020


17 covid cases. Yet students are still there with NO difference besides pushing tables back pathetic

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