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Former Student
Sep 9, 2024

Allowing bullying to happen for 5 years

Disgraceful school.. I was bullied horribly, went to my form tutor and head of year and teachers several times and they did nothing.. forced to endure endless days of being made fun off even when I teacher found a note being spread around class about me which was literally evidence of bullying he did nothing.. I was made fun off, have stuff stolen, they even sa me by daring a guy to grab my ass and made fun of me for being to scared to stand up for myself cause I knew full well if you didn't listen to my comments about all the bullying you sure as hell aren't going to do anything about that.. they do not care one bit about your kid it's a horrendous school. I don't know how the teachers sit there watching a student struggling with bullying and mental health issues cry and beg for help and proceed to do nothing, you have to have a complete heart of stone to allow that. That school damaged me making me have to now pay for therapy to fix. You want a happy kid then this ain't the place for it.
Former Student
Feb 14, 2024

the worst few years of my life.

i am a recent ex student and have finally decided to share my experience at oakgrove.

this school took away my happiness, confidence and will to live. i’ve struggled with mental health (specifically severe social anxiety) for years but i became really unwell when i was in year 9. i no longer was able to attend school and was given little to no work during my 2 year absence. my parents begged for work to be provided (since my gcses were up and coming) but the teachers provided little to nothing. i was struggling so much and had absolutely no understanding from the oakgrove staff. they only cared about my attendance and never on my actual well-being. i was close to taking my own life at 14 and all oakgrove would only care about was my attendance. i wish i had not been neglected from my own school. they never cared about me. they are so damn focused on grades and looking good in the rankings. a disgusting warped vision.

all schools have the responsibility to understand, respect and protect EVERY child (and especially during the hours they are responsible for students). did oakgrove understand, respect and protect me? absolutely NOT. i felt completely and utterly abandoned. i just know that if i was physically unwell in the hospital (rather than mentally unwell) my treatment from the school would have been different. maybe they would have cared more? who knows…

they don’t give a toss about mental health.

the few occasions i was pressured into attending can only be described as hell. i experienced debilitating anxiety even stepping foot on oakgrove grounds. i was at the point where only attending for 30 minutes was causing me such significant anxiety i was physically being sick and shaking like a leaf. i would never wish any of this on even my worse enemy. as the years went on, my mental health only got worse. i had no hope in life and had now missed 2 years of school. i ended up self teaching myself a few gcses- oakgrove failed to provide me helpful resources, so i was truly being my own teacher. finally in year 11, i was referred to a SEN school. i can say that attending alternative education saved my life. i left year 11 with 4 gcses and a whole lot of trauma.

i would NEVER recommend this school and hope that parents who are considering oakgrove for their children think again. no one would wish for their own child (or themselves) to experience similar experiences to myself. so why put ur child's sacred mental health at risk? oakgrove destroyed my life and if they’ve done it once, they are more than capable of doing it again. i know there are many current oakgrove students who are struggling as of right now and there HAS to be a change. i will forever advocate and share my experiences to try and protect the lives of others and spread awareness.

my life would be completely different if i had received the correct care and understanding from oakgrove. i deserved so much better.
Jun 21, 2023

don’t send your children here.

This school is bad, more than bad. They don’t give a shi about your mental health and preach it when someone does something bad to themselves and it becomes a tragedy when they saw kids were struggling right in front of there faces yet did NOTHING to help. It’s ridiculous how they treat their students and only care about ‘helping’ you when higher professionals are involved with you yet do the bare minimum or nothing at all. Most staff are rude and unfair with the codes, they will give you high codes for nothing and punish you for the most ridiculous things and switch around the story when addressing the parents. I don’t know why people think this is a good school in Milton Keynes when in my opinion it’s one of the worsts. This skl is going more and more downhill everyday with everything they do and say they are driving kids to hurt and kill themselves. I am disgusted with this school and regret sending my children here and will never forgive myself for sending them here, as not long after I sent them here both my childrens mental health has declined massively as the years went by it got progressively worse, my children started doing stuff to themselves as result to the school and how they lack so much support. I pulled My eldest out as she refused to go in and my youngest spent a lot of time in hospital and home in result of how the schools treated her and how bad her mental health got because of them. Both my children are struggling so much I will never forgive the school for the hell they have put not only my children through but everyone else. As a parent of 2 struggling children it breaks my heart to see them like this and the school is to blame. Suicide attempt after Suicide attempt. I wish I could save every poor soul who has even been to this school or currently goes there. On top of this, the school is racist and discriminate students, the canteen food is massively overpriced. The school put themselves out there to be so good blah blah blah and in reality its hell as soon as you walk through the gates. The school have no good intention and only care about how you look and your grades over childrens mental and physical health.
Jun 21, 2023

death wish

personally i think this school is a HELL hole. i have the strongest burning hatred towards every single teacher in that school (not miss swindells) all of them approach kids with attitude yet expect nothing but respect back. they do not care about you or whatever your problems are unless higher people are involved and even then they still do not manage to make a change. what more do they want until it becomes not just people struggling to come in but people seriously hurting themselves or even taking it a step further in some cases.

i’ve had non stop problems with this school since i’ve joined in year 7 and every single one that school has known about has been over looked and ignored. since last year to this year i’ve realised how much of a horrible place it is to be and yet i know it’s a place of education and not just socialising and having fun. in a place where i’m meant to feel safe and happy, i do not, therefore i do not want to get my education from here. i’ve tried expressing my many problems to this school and my parents have been involved too. i’ve had many attendance problems and meetings about mental health yet i never get listened too. i am told that i am using things as an easy way out or just being lazy in a fact where i just cant be bothered to show up for that lesson or that test blah blah.

not only is it me, but i could name a fair amount of people who are so unhappy in this school. they speak with no respect and however they want things to go it will go their way. you can get fully shouted at like you’ve just spat on their mum for not having your shirt tucked in or blazer not on. it’s the end of the world if you have the slightest bit of makeup on or if your skirts the wrong material/ length. cant even have a simple tick on your socks without being threatened with BGR. overall this schools rules are ridiculous and they care more about how you look than anything else it’s stupid!!!

and with bullying, they act like one of the children. they don’t see sides they pick sides.. and some times not even it’s just ignored just told to ignore things or not talk to them, move your seating plan or spend your lunch and break in a classroom by yourself because they can’t deal with bullying ?? in my opinion, i think they’re the bullies in this school .

so yes overall i hate every single teacher, no u miss swindells u the sweetest:p but every single other one can actually go suck out. their weird and even looking at them now makes me feel sick. the voices of some actually make me shiver and the students oh my lord i cannot their horrible they are genuinely they can’t control things it’s like they ignore things bc they can only sort out the small things and then they give bigger punishments to the small things when there’s obviously bigger problems like hellooo open ur eyes mate ?!

and omg i’m not even done because then there’s racism because if someone says somethings if their own ethnicity/ nationality then it’s like so bad so racist all this but then if a white person does it it’s bullying if someone says something to them…? like actually get a grip of urself . UGH I CANT DEAL JUST DONT GO HERE AND IF U DO GO HERE GET OUT .
May 25, 2023

Don't come to this skl ever

Do not send ur kids to this skl yesterday some girl came up to me and put me in a headlock and punched me in the eye so I started dragging her to the floor but she did the most and somehow I'm the one in isolation and she's got no punishment.many ppl got jumped in this skl there r loads of fights and to many violent ppl . Teachers don't even Iet ur parents know abt any injuries my mum asked if I'm hurt they said no im fine whe they knew I had a black eye and ppl send threats to jump me bc i lost a fight once . Safety in this skl is horrible canteen food is the worst and over priced teachers yell at u for anything and don't care abt u even drag u out the classroom if they don't want u there. They don't teach u properly and expect u to pass ur gcse or other tests u have .
May 16, 2023

Dont go here!!

This school is horrible, they claim to care about their students but in reality they don't ! If you're good on paper then that's all they care about not your mental health!
May 16, 2023

Oakgrove school=bad

The toilets are dirty +they tell us to get out of them ,the teachers are rude and dont teach u.The canteen food is disgusting.I dont recommend
Apr 29, 2023

not a good school

horrible school i removed my son from this school very quicky.i am truly disappointed in this school the teachers are horrible and have no respect for students. They checked my sons phone and deleted his pictures i was appalled since they didn't ask for my permission I do not appreciate staff looking though my sons phone this wasn't the only bad experience my son has had at this school. General education is okay however MOST staff aren't very great. They also get coded for everything my son got a b5 and also got put in BGR for one whole week for drawing a silly drawing of a stick man, yes he should have been coded but a b2 at the most it was so excessive to give a child a b5 for drawing a stick man .Another example of this is when they let the children go on their phones for making pictures of something on the microscopes(they have a strict no phones policy) and they all got p codes and 30m detentions because they were making pictures of themselves. not a great experience here would recommenced skipping this school.
Apr 5, 2023

This skl is sht

I get it kids dont behave but teachers should find a better way to handle it instead of physically dragging them out a classroom putting them in isolation or calling home. They always say oakgrove is a safe place where u can talk about your feelings and be ur true self but its not true. Lots of people hve bad mental health problems and teachers dont care . They can see kids with their heads on the table crying their eyes out bc of teachers verbally abusing them saying idc ur not 3 u cant go to the toilet and yelling at them saying if u dont be quiet i will code u and call home. Ppl cant handle that. Teachers call ur parents and lie to them or make wht u hve done sound much worse then in acc is . Now many kids including me hve started talking bck to teachers standing up for ours and others rights bc yk wht fck isolation fck everything in this skl at this point the teachers are sht so are the rules the one student who is dyslexic and has bad anger issues got expelled when most of the codes were bc of the teachers poor teaching skills. If u have adhd autism dylexia anger issues teachers wont treat u difo they will make u do the hard work they will yell at u make u feel like the odd one out. Kids hve started overdosing playing chicken getting hit by cars all teachers do is tell parents .as if thats gonna do anything.

Canteen food is sht very greasy the bathrooms stink and dont look clean. Idc if this skl is one of the best everyone that goes there hates it. And when we are logged onto our skl account u cant see the reviews they are blocked. The teachers dont want us seeing what other ppl think abt this skl. All they care abt is money and a good reputation. But wait until everyone starts sticking up for themselves teachers will be complaining the skl wont be one of the best in mk and the government wont have a choice they will have to close the skl down if we keep complaining abt the skl .
Mar 30, 2023

Fck this skl

The teachers think they are better than you the school is racist af they dont do sht.they go on about how its mental health week but when somoene is clearly struggling with mental health they ignore it. Ik many ppl in this skl overdosing with medicine cutting themselves with scissors and trying to kill themselves bc of how much they hate it there
Mar 30, 2023

Dont send your kids to oakgrove secondary

I go to oakgrove the school is so bad teachers code you for no reason they tell u they deserve your respect when they don't do anything to earn could ask a teacher a question they will yell at you for putting your hand up to much. You get kicked out of detentions for misbehaving even if you dont do anything. People get in trouble for asking for a pen. You get removed from class for no reason. Yes some kids misbehave but some dont and still get in trouble.u waste so much of your free time if ur on report and the teachers try keep you on that report. I tried getting of report a teacher asked to see my planner and said oh your nearly off report and i said ye and he wouldnt keep his eyes off me all lesson. Some people were talking i turned around and got in trouble just to stay on report. They have to many rules and they are to hard to follow.Teachers yell at kids and tell them to sort their life out or they will get no where in life.If you dont leave the class when they ask you to they will physically drag you out.
Canteen food is way to overpriced and thr food is so bad.chicken and chips they out then in bags which makes the bag all greasy and it falls apart . This school is so bad do NOT send your kids here they will hve bad mental health .the school basically drains all kids make them think you have to be well disaplined to do good in life. They think just because they work there they can tell the kids what to do, how they behave , how to think , and that you shouldnt speak up for yourself. In my opinion its the worst school in milton keynes .
Mar 16, 2023


I am getting tortured at this school by teachers and students
Mar 16, 2023

Shut down or enforce the rules

They treat us like dogs and they won’t allow us to express ourselves. One of the teachers told me to sit down and shut up like I am a dog I cry everyday because of this school I feel like I am trapped.
Mar 16, 2023

Main school and Sixth form

Oakgrove is a good 🏫

Bro I go to oakgrove it’s a good school. It’s jus all the students that misbehave disagree. It’s a great school Ym hating. Like I agree that some teachers are very rude mainly French ones
Mar 15, 2023


the school is racist asf. students can say the most racist things ever and the teachers won't do shi. I've even seen some laugh. they'll ignore a white kid say ngger but if a black student says it they'll put them in bgr.

teachers are bullies. they have the power to torment you if they dont like you for whatever reason. they can give you codes if they're having a bad day or they just dont like you and they say its your fault. if you go to head of year they'll always be on the teachers side no matter how ridiculous it is.

they go on and on about mental health and apparently its mental health awareness week every other week but when a student needs obvious help they ignore it.
The canteen food is wayyyyy overpriced and shtty. the workers are unorganised and slow.
I dont like how there are tests all at the same time. it makes it hard for students to focus and its stopping them from doing their best in tests. we dont need white hairs b4 we're 18 thx.

basically there are way more things that are so wrong with this School but I cant be arsed rn. I just wanted to rant for a few minutes sooo yh

oh and abolish the one way system. that sht is stupid
Mar 15, 2023



always picking on students and even taunting them sometimes
Mar 15, 2023


look at this ded school shut it down mtchewwww
Mar 15, 2023


They teachers are so racist, so unfair and get a say everytime i go to school i feel like killing myself
Mar 15, 2023


The teachers thrive off of bullying students
Mar 15, 2023


Oakgrove school

the place is really bad and racist
Mar 15, 2023

filip from willen fc

Horrible school no words
Mar 15, 2023

Oakgrove doesn’t care

this school might be the best rated school in MK by ofsted but they do not care for these children’s mental wellbeing at all no matter how much they try to make it seem as they do many children do not want to even come into school and for good reason. They do not care for the voices of children and whatever they say or do is automatically considered wrong and rebellious because they are children. Explaining yourself is considered arguing and simple ways of visually expressing yourself is rebelling. They excuse it as school rules and just want to make children feel inferior just because they can . Its disgusting
Mar 15, 2023

I hate this prison

this place makes me want to end my life.
Mar 15, 2023

How oakgrove school really like

The school is terrible if u try defend yourself you'll get in massive amounts of trouble and there are multiple racist teachers for example someone who was black asked to go toilet and they said no but when the kid who was white asked she said yes and if the parents knew what was going on in this school they would pull the child out immediately and all the teachers think they can talk to the students however they like but if you want respect from a student you need to respect them aswell.they don't have the worst food tbf.there are many dumb rules for example sometimes your not allowed to go to the toilet and you have to go at break or lunch and you can't have your hood up can't also use your phones.Mr tett is the school's head teacher he is very nice and kind it's just the teachers that ruin the school for students.
Mar 15, 2023

Don’t recommend

Most teachers are racist. There is overpriced food at times, and not a lot of choice of food.
Mar 15, 2023


Oakgrove school

a lot of the teachers treat coloured students differently i feel like im out of place sometimes but that have good equipment and some food sports i don't really like it
Mar 15, 2023

Mid school

A few teachers are racist, it’s a school that value the LGBTQ and puts it on us a lot despite the school being 50% religious. Food is alright but I honestly think it could be better. If a student was to tell their parents about what goes on in here they would reconsider why they placed their child here. Only thing I enjoy here is the sports, good teachers and teams.
Mar 15, 2023

Mrs Jacqueline

My niece attends this school and she raves about it. It's a great school. I like that it keeps to the rules.
Former Student
Oct 18, 2022

Decent school

Decent, wifi in sixth form isn't very good
Sep 22, 2022

Main school and Sixth form

Oakgrove Secondary School

Fantastic school, with great facilities and amazing staff. There is always someone who will help you when you need it and the teachers go above and beyond to support you.
Showing 30 of total 37 reviews
Venturer Gate, Middleton, MK10 9JQ, Milton Keynes

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