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Feb 3, 2025

Queen Anne HS

It's an alright school, they don't really do anything about bullying or hate crimes. I didn't learn much. I don't recommend this school unless it is a last resort...
Dec 5, 2024

The teachers and classes and everything

There school rubbish they lie about a lot of stuff don’t send ur children there they will be working with the bins they will get no grade or anything they give up on u and let u do anything and walk out classes they have no control over anyone DONT SEND THEM THERE unless u want them to have bad grades and get no where XX
Sep 6, 2024

I don't like teachers here

It's an okay school,teachers are rude the mandarin is nice to learn ,there's alot of drugs and fighting I got my ass beat and the teacher laughed at me and told me womp womp
Former Student
Apr 13, 2024

One of the worst schools

Seen a similar comment and it was the same for me. Pretty much got bullied into leaving. Got told highschool wasn't my thing because they were to lazy to help with bullying. Got in trouble for the most ridiculous things while the person who bullied me literally punched me and got 3 days detention which was stopped because she wasn't doing well. Like neither was I. I was very clearly struggling. They can't be arsed disciplining folk for things they actually need to discipline. They would rather enforce rules that make them LOOK better on the outside. I got told by the rector and a yearhead that it's my own fault I got bullied because I dressed different. Aye sure I used to look pretty cringe I won't lie but that's no excuse for the amount of bullying I actually got. And that 100% definitely no excuse for a teacher to ever say that to you. That same year head even said to me no wonder you get bullied because I had a breakdown. I was literally just crying and went into another room and that's the shit I got.

The education and learning isn't completely awful I guess but they had to cut so many studies cause theyre broke or make rooms smaller ECT. Obviously only the studies THEY deemed less important. Idk I wouldn't say the education was bad but they had little control or to much control to the point you felt suffocated in the class and it made it hard to learn or it was to noisy to learn. Or you were being bullied.

Eventually they kept trying to get me to leave because they couldn't be bothered actually doing anything about it. Only decent teacher who I wish I could say thank you to was Miss Bennet and mrs Davies. And that's because they seemed like the only ones who actually seemed to understand I was struggling

Even tho it's been years from what I've heard from other people like friends younger siblings ect it's still just as bad. Honestly I wouldn't ever send your children there until it shows a huge sign of improvement.

And why tf did we buy chickens man
Sep 21, 2023

Qahs a shit hole

As a student here at qahs I would not recommend not sending ur kids here.

• There's a bunch of junkies who vape/do drugs all the time and they always get into fights.

• The toilets are always locked

• A lot of bullying happens

• the teachers don't give two shits if u need help or not
Former Student
Jul 10, 2023


This pizza sucks I quit.
Jul 10, 2023

Horrid experience

Everyone was fighting.
Jun 30, 2023

this school sucks

this school is bad and i don’t like it
Jun 13, 2023

load of shit!

this school is a load of shite. avoid sending your kids here. as a current pupil here I would prefer to go to another school in dunfermline.
my reasons are:
1. teachers are bully's and some don't help you when you need it
2. the students at this school are weirdos and I don't like to be around weirdos
3. toilets. not aloud to go in class and at break at lunch there full of junkie wannabees who are smoking and vaping.
May 29, 2023

Mandarin is useless

Stop teaching mandarin its useless and everyone just pisses about
Apr 17, 2023

Help queen anne

This school is the absolute worst. I worry about going too school everyday. The pupils use drugs on school ground and teachers have locked all tolite. It's out of control
Apr 14, 2023

My Thoughts

This school is a disappointment.
Former Student
Aug 16, 2022

Not an open school

The school is the definition of a depression the place is a joke and they like to paint themselves out to be an amazing place when there far from it your lucky if you can breathe in that school without it being illegal some of the rules are beyond stupid for instance you must have fully black shoes or its the end of the world and They bought out a new rule that you can wear the queen Anne school hoodie with a top of your choice underneath but if you where to take it of because your to hot well it's the end of the world because then you never hear the end of it for wearing a top you shouldn't which makes no sense as they minute was saying you can wear any top under the school hoodie but what are you meant to do if you take it off? Stupid if you ask me!
And as for the pe department and teachers there not mindful of people all they care about is looking there best
For instance there are plenty peope with anxiety and numerous other mental health issues so therefore they ethier don't want to get changed or they don't want to take part but queen Anne has a big deal with kids making sure they wear pe kit because again it's the end of the world when it's really not a big deal and one particular teacher thought it was okay to tell my best friend they are like a dog which is highly un called for and unprofessional and this specific teacher and one other kept mocking the pair of us because we wouldn't put up with there crap thinking they are better than everyone all queen Anne cares about it reputation
Apr 14, 2022

Worst school

Got bullied into leaving, teachers were useless, teachers would punch walls do not recommend unless you want depression
Jan 13, 2022

bad teaching staff you should fire him

not a good school as my son came home and told me he was getting pushed around in one of the corridor and fell to the ground and then he got in trouble and my son was trying to tell him what happened and the teacher told my son to shut his puss and then called him a moron. the head of science i think his name is ** ********
Jan 10, 2022

terrible school

this school is bad for a few reasons, firstly the school seems to be so pre occupied about uniforms and things that people are skiving and failing but still couldn't care less, to summarise the school cares about thing that dont matter at all but when it comes to serious issues they dont care
Mar 27, 2021


There are a lot of bad things (drugs, fighting etc) but most high schools would be the same. I have had amazing support from a lot of the teachers and guidance teachers who have worked with me to overcome my anxiety and ptsd.

It’s a good school, good teachers, just pupils are typical teenagers to be honest
Former Student
Jan 12, 2021

Unpleasant place, increasingly go worse

I had a bad experience. Drugs, fighting and bullying were so common and nothing was done about it. A lot of focus on sport but increasingly less on academics. Glad I’m not there anymore, I found it just kept getting more chaotic.

Some good teachers though but a shame many times they weren’t able to actually teach due to distractions.
Jan 2, 2021

The truth about Queen anne

Terrible school. Drugs, fighting and smoking continue and nothing is done about it. They head of school is fully aware of the hot spots of drugs and smoking and nothing seems to change. Knifes have been brought in in the past and fights are a constant, nearly every week even with covid. Its clear that the school only focus most oj the students who are athletic or academically gifted, the rest just struggle. The first prelim were a massive struggle to most students, the teachers didn't prepare us enough to do our best and that is partly down to covid but they had enough time to prepare us with the tools to succeed, some of the topics weren't taught and most of our learning were crammed into the months after we started in August. It needs sorted.
Jan 2, 2021

review of queen anne

i am at the school at the moment. Fighting, drugs and smoking are a massive problem but it seems nothing happens as they continue to do it, unless you are sporty/athletic or academically gifted you are just left to struggle. Many struggled on prelims and thats partly due to covid-19 but the teachers could have prepared us a lot more. Fighting is nearly every week and with covid its dangerous as people crowd, it needs sorted.
Dec 17, 2020

Terrible school with a terrible rector

It’s absolutely awful. The rector cannot run a school of her life depended on it, she tells us the school has no behavioural problems even though it clearly does. Kids get knives pulled on them and she does nothing, it’s suspension for 2-3 days. Swear at a teacher and it’s about 4-5. It is a horrible school that also only cares about the sporty/academic kids, not the music kids
Sep 29, 2020


it is a good school but, there is a lot of uncontrolled fighting and bullying. the teachers will talk to the students after what happened but it won’t stop it. especially with younger pupils trying to see who’s best. but the school it’s self is a vey good layout/structure and most of the teachers are good at their job!
Former Student
Aug 29, 2020

Gave me anxiety

Struggled with anxiety throughout, feel like not enough was done to help support people with mental health issues. Bullying was not looked into as much as I should’ve been.
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