
Based on 1 reviews and 9 answers
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Nov 4, 2023

Not a good school

I would think twice about putting your children here. They will not sort out bullying issues and will lie to try and cover things up instead of fixing them.

There is a lot of anti-social and criminal behaviour happening on the estate I am living in next to the school that is coming from the p7 class here. Some of these issues are kids walking about with hammers and baseball bats threatening adults, pupils threatening to set kids on fire, pupils trying to break people's windows and cars etc.

Never guess what either? The pupils in question are kids of PTA members and volunteers of the school. Parents won't do anything about it and neither will the school. Schools discriminate and have done this with me. The parents of these pupils would rather protect their fake image than sort out issues their kids are causing. They are not safe adults and should not be allowed in the school around other people’s children. They will allow their kids to bully and when questioned about it, they will try to manipulate then try to bully you as well. I guess the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Nobody can accept blame, even the school. As long as they look good to others. Who cares what is going on! Also had a teacher instigate gossip in the class about my son when he wasn't there. He was uncomfortable coming back and having to sit in the middle of this. Kids have been hitting him daily or showing threatening behaviour in school! My son hasn't felt comfortable going to this school in a while. I have finally moved him but this school is not safe! School is being reported and further action is being taken. The unjust behaviour from others to keep my mouth closed has clearly worked
Sherry Drive, ML3 8XF, Little Earnock
01698 283727

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