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Aug 7, 2023

One bad apple

I cannot EVER recommend any person work at this school. If you value your mental health please do NOT even fill in an application form. The Business Manager of this school is a bully and a racist. Her microagressions are so open and constant she isn't even aware that its racist to use terms, "those people", "them lot", "coming over here and"... I could go on.

You will be gaslit, have your competence questioned and your job threatened on a daily basis. Ask a question "how stupid, if that is what you think you are in the wrong job". Don't feel well, "you are always ill, maybe you should look for another job". Its open that "you have to have a thick skin to work here". So many people have had confrontations with her but she's been there so long, the head just doesn't seem to stand up to her for whatever reason. Hopefully just waiting until she retires. But the collateral damage done because of this is very sad. Some great teachers left because of how they were treated and spoken to. Its just another layer of stress that isn't needed. Someone constantly criticising, watiing for the slightly mistake or error to jump on you. There is not ability to grow, develop and learn.

She is all friendly when the Head is there (who is LOVELY btw, so all this is very sad). However her back is turned she again, openly calls her "useless", "not very good", 'doesn't know what she's doing". Noone is immune to her condemnation. The Governors are freqently dismissed, call thick/stupid/idiots.

The school is wonderfully diverse but is in a poor area and people are struggling financially. When events are put on within the school, trips, acts, workshops the parents are hounded for money for everything. I mean HOUNDED! Numerous times parents were crying handing over their last £1. So many times teachers put cash in themselves to avoid this. Even on the website as the school policy, a "contribution" is voluntary. So she goes against their own school policy. The processes are archaic. There is no online payment platform therefore you will be spending a large amount of time taking money from parents, then chasing them down and potentially making them cry.

The teaching staff are lovely and really do great work for their pupils. But, it didn't go unnoticed that there is unease with them getting into the crosshairs and being next in the firing line. Someone organised a non-uniform day, and put posters up. Because the poster wasn't put in the right place she got called "thick"! Would you go the extra mile if this is how you are to be treated?

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