
Based on 1 reviews and 9 answers
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Föredetta elev
Jul 6, 2022

Don't believe the lies

When reviewing the school, first feelings may be optimistic. They credit themselves for the "lovely atmosphere and encouraging learning environment" they have built over the years, a very impressionable statement indeed. It's only when you're actually there when things begin to degrade and degrade to a point of no return. Teachers want no part of a child's problems, lessons were often disturbed by other teachers for their own social interactions (as a consequence, bullying and cruelty was ignored to a disturbing extent) and those with ambitions or talent weren't pushed to be the best they could. Instead of recognition of good work they praised the misbehaving ones for pumping out more than 3 lines for once. As a result, most of the gifted kids' ambitions and abilities were soon wasted due to the mass demotivation produced by consistent ignorance.
It's ashaming that the school advertises itself as a diverse community that nourishes the learning of your children, as what they do is virtually the opposite - I implore you not to believe the lies.

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