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Apr 25, 2024

Horrible school for mental illness

If your child has bad mental health or is struggling in life DO NOT put your child in this school all they care about is attendance,my child who isn’t mentally well comes to me every day crying about how HR teachers are bringing him out of his class to tell him how he should go see his abusive dad just so that attendance can rise there’s been multiple cases of kids leaving this school due to the way they handle mental and physical health. They only seem like a good school because they aspire to have greater attendance and that is why they give thereselves the label of a better school all they do is escalate situations between split parents and make the mental wellness and physical being of the child more difficult and serious then it should be if you do come to this school looking for a place for you child make sure they do not interfere with anything about your personal life as they’ll only make the problems worser ESPECIALLY if ms garmston involves herself she is horrible and a very one sided person she only cares about the school and the image a child makes for the school and even contacted his abusive father about his personal life when he was dealing with serious problems
Apr 17, 2024

Dont send your children here!

Yate academy is not a good school.Yesterday someone got suspened for looking "disengaged".This is how strict the school is.During lesson you cant go to toilet.You have to wait for a teacher to come collect you so you can go.You also cant get sent home easily even if your really ill.This school is so strict and will even grab hold off you.Once in the summer last year when we had that heatwave all the boys were wearing shorts and a girl decided to show up in shorts as it was too hot for the skirts cause they were long.A teacher pulled her out the building and snatched her phone off her when she tried to call her mum.Someone even once got sent home for wearing clear nail polish.Please do not send your children here its for the best.
Jul 26, 2023

Year 11 student

Yata Academy is a good school. Yes it has its problems some bigger than others but so does every school. I do agree that the schools expectations can be a little bit high however they are mostly all able to be followed and most of them have fair reasons of why that expectation or rule has been put in place. The only expectation I think has been an absolute joke was when us students had to wear full uniform duting 40° C heat and a red alert for the heat. This links in to my point about how students have no say in what the school does and its rules and expectations. Ill come to this point later. The education is extremely good however the lessons aren't disruption free like they claim. The students almost have no say in any new rules or changes being put in place which is ridiculous and definitely makes some students loose confidence and feel as if they cannot bring change to the world. The food the school provides for purchase is tasty however lots of it definitely isnt very healthy. The school can feel very unsafe especially by the ammount of doors left unlocked allowing anyone to walk in without having to go through reception. The toilets also feel very unsafw and unclean. The locks either dont work or just about work but could easily be opened by a simple light bang on the door and they are very unclean. The floors are covered in liquid sometimes urine sometimes people dont flush the toilet even after.... so yes thats a massive down side. Overall Yate Academy is a good school. Many people complain about this school yet they are the ones who don't follow the simple rules like tucking your shirt in and they don't focus in lessons. I haven't seen any bullying and during my few 5 years in the school I've seen no more then 10 fights happening. So Yate Academy is a good school and is recommended but make sure you understand there are strict rules which may seem a shock to some. However I've made many friends, and memories and all the teachers are nice and most of them I could definitely feel comfortable talking about any situation that's negatively affecting me.
Former Student
Apr 16, 2023

Isn't enjoyable

It's great for education however it lacks freedom and makes school not enjoyable
Nov 22, 2022

Yate Academy’s rules

It’s a good place there are good teachers although it feels like if you’ve done bad once they will target you for the rest of the lessons and it’s teachers are very strict aswell as there rules we aren’t allowed to go upstairs at lunch anymore and that seems unfair because now I am confined to where the rude 9-10s are and it’s just easier to be bullied this way they act like if we clean everything up the school will be as clean as pristine businesses in Bristol it’s not the case we are a secondary school not a law firm they have too high expectations and I’m struggling to fill their expectations because I am only human.

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